Monthly Archives: May 2009

Watchet Grading 17th May 2009

Congratulations to the following for passing at the Watchet grading last weekend, Nidan – Misuk Bae; Sandan – Peter Tornkvist; Yondan – Yukiko Miyamura. As one of the panel on the grading board, I should not comment on these gradings but as the Instructor of the Dojo I can say that each of the members [...]

London Cup 2-3rd May 2009

Well done everybody who took part or came to watch the London Cup over the weekend. It was another two days of great kendo and friendly encounters.Saturday 2 May was the Team event. Including our main Hizen Team, a total of 15 people from our group competed, easily making us the largest dojo representation. Hizen [...]

London Kyu-Shodan garding 25th April 2009

We would all like to congratulate Chi Fung for passing his Ikkyu at the London grading, we hope that this will encourage him to carry on and pursue his practice to a high level. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it